You may be wondering if biotin for hair loss is effective; the truth is that good nutrition is vital for hair growth. Research also shows that deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals can lead to baldness; hence taking dietary supplements that contain such vitamins and minerals help to prevent hair loss.
Biotin is a member of the vitamin B-complex family; it aids the metabolism of fats and amino acids. You can get this vital vitamin from foods such as brown rice, soybean, walnuts, oats and sunflower seeds; you can also get it through supplementation. Supplementation is the best way to get biotin: our bodies cannot absorb the vitamin very well from foods especially for people in type A blood group.
\"Biotin For Hair\"
Research shows that biotin is not only good for hair loss; it also helps to keep your nails and skin healthy and beautiful. Other nutrients that work well together with biotin for hair loss include Vitamin B6, Horsetail Silica, Magnesium and Zinc; they all promote hair growth and general well being of your body.
Saw Palmetto is another ingredient that has been proven to stop hair loss and help hair regrowth; it is an herbal extract that have been used for years for prostrate health. It works by blocking DHT; excess DHT in your system destroys your hair follicles causing hair loss. Saw Palmetto is proven to prevent testosterone from being converted to DHT, thereby preventing baldness.
So, for better results, you should take a dietary supplement that contains the nutrients mentioned here and biotin for hair loss; their synergistic benefits are better than what you get from only one nutrient.
Apart from dietary supplements, topical solutions that contain natural ingredients such as Minoxidil have also been proven to be effective at stopping and reversing hair loss. Minoxidil is FDA approved treatment for both male and female patterns of baldness; it also works by inhibiting DHT.
Biotin for hair loss is effective, but it works better with other vital nutrients such as the ones mentioned in this article. Visit my website to learn about the best natural treatments for both male and female baldness.
Discover the best biotin for hair loss today.
Biotin For Hair Loss - Can Biotin Help Restore Your Hair?
Zammy Dyke is a dedicated researcher of men and female patterns of hair loss; visit her site now at and learn about a new natural hair loss remedy that she discovered and how it compares to other common hair loss treatment options.